The Genetic Society of Israel (GSI)
The genetics society of Israel (GSI) was founded several decades ago to serve as a platform for Israeli geneticists from all research institutes and all fields of genetics to meet, exchange ideas and create collaborative efforts. In 2000, Prof. Karen Avraham (TAU) and Prof. Yossi Hirschberg (HUJI) re-established the GSI annual meetings and incorporated the GSI as a registered association.
Since then, the GSI continues to hold annual meetings, hosted by different scientific institutes across Israel. The GSI annual meetings gained a reputation for being an attractive framework for both students and researchers to discuss cutting edge findings in genetics and genomics. The GSI specifically encourages early career scientists to present their work in the annual meetings, hence exposing their research to the entire Israeli community of geneticists. This provides a nationwide platform for networking and collaborations. Recently, the GSI expanded its activities to record podcasts aimed to communicate, in Hebrew, key topics in genetics and genomics to both academic and para-academic educated audience. Accordingly, the GSI serves as a hub to gain and communicate knowledge in genetics in Israel.
The GSI is part of FISEB and the International Genetics Federation.